Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Making of a Hoe: The Ugly Duckling

An "ugly duckling" is a person who was once unattractive and is now conventionally attractive. I say conventionally because ideally "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and all that jazz. When you grow up "ugly" you get used to people ignoring you. You begin to feel invisible and you grow accustomed to that feeling. Then one day, seemingly overnight, you're attractive. You're attractive and people can see you. You're no longer invisible, no longer "ugly". What do you do? You're getting loads of attention, attention you've always wanted but could never quite get. Its here! What would YOU do?? Well become a whore of course! You would become a kid in a proverbial candy store. Your former crushes can see you now. You want to give EVERYBODY the business and before you know it... You're a hoe... Nothing wrong with it... Just sayin