Friday, December 11, 2009

Chicken or Fish: A Quick Overview of Infidelity

Earlier @IshmealAlmighty and I were talking about cheating. I came with a simple theory to explain why we cheat: If I told you one day when you were approximately 27 or 28 years old that I wanted you to eat chicken everyday, what would you think? You would look at me as if I was crazy right. Why would you eat chicken every single day for the rest of your life when there are so many other delicious foods to enjoy? Even if Chicken is your favorite food, you don't want to eat it everyday! That's how I feel about relationships and marriage... why would I want to eat chicken everyday when there is sausage, fish, shrimp, porkchops, and steak! Why on earth would I torture myself that way? I don't love chicken any less than... lets say, FISH, but chicken will never taste like fish. I can cook chicken a thousand different ways and eats for a thousand days but then after that... it still won't taste like fish. It is also HIGHLY likely that I will be sick and tired of chicken after a thousand meals. I want fish now! I want something that is NOT chicken. I still look the favor, texture, and versatility of chicken but I need a change. So I cheat on chicken. I order the fish plate instead. Chicken cries and wants a divorce. Chicken doesn't understand why I no longer love it. But I do still LOVE chicken. I just had a craving for fish... Just sayin...

Men and Cheating

      Sorry guys I haven't had anything to say lately however, in light of the recent "Tiger-Gate" I was inspired to talk shit.... Now I was not surprised at Tiger's antics. He is a MAN, not only is he a man he is a VERY rich man. I don't really expect him to be faithful to anyone. But fuck Tiger... I don't know anyone with a Tiger Woods bank account so we'll just talk about men and cheating....
     I believe that all men cheat. No exceptions! Rich, poor, black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Atheist etc. I'm not a pessimist, I'm just a realist. People, not just men, are animals and i don't THINK we are supposed to be with one person for an entire lifetime. Not without a few snafus. Women cheat too but we're better at it (winks).
Are men expected to cheat? Is it something that largely ignored because "boys will be boys"? Would you chase your cheating spouse with a baseball bat (or any cylindrical, heavy object) if you found out they were cheating? Would you even want to know about their scandalous ways? What constitutes cheating? Do you cheat? Just Wondering....


Dear You,
There's a picture in my phone of us. We look cute. We look happy. I should delete it but I can't. Not yet... We look sooo happy. I like to remember the good moments. The great moments... We had a lot of great moments together. I miss you like crazy but... No buts... I just miss you so I won't erase it. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Just know that someone adores you, no matter what.
