Friday, December 11, 2009

Men and Cheating

      Sorry guys I haven't had anything to say lately however, in light of the recent "Tiger-Gate" I was inspired to talk shit.... Now I was not surprised at Tiger's antics. He is a MAN, not only is he a man he is a VERY rich man. I don't really expect him to be faithful to anyone. But fuck Tiger... I don't know anyone with a Tiger Woods bank account so we'll just talk about men and cheating....
     I believe that all men cheat. No exceptions! Rich, poor, black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Atheist etc. I'm not a pessimist, I'm just a realist. People, not just men, are animals and i don't THINK we are supposed to be with one person for an entire lifetime. Not without a few snafus. Women cheat too but we're better at it (winks).
Are men expected to cheat? Is it something that largely ignored because "boys will be boys"? Would you chase your cheating spouse with a baseball bat (or any cylindrical, heavy object) if you found out they were cheating? Would you even want to know about their scandalous ways? What constitutes cheating? Do you cheat? Just Wondering....