Monday, February 22, 2010

Things I've Accepted as FACT

Food tastes better when you are drunk. All men cheat. Children are germ receptacles. Most people jump on bandwagons. Sex is best when you actually care about a person. People don't change. Carrie and Mr Big are not real. Women should talk less. Men should listen more. You can never turn your emotions off. Your subconscious is a mufucka. Cash rules everything around me. Smiling is so much easier than pouting. Kevin Hart isn't funny. Capitalism is designed so that most of us are modern day slaves. Twitter is addictive. My nails look better dark. God lives within us. We are all narcissistic. Love always hurts. Good dick will run you crazy. People will think whatever they want and it rarely matters. You can chose your view on life. Happiness is a myth. You're gonna hurt a few people along the way, its inevitable. Anal sex is only for masochists. People ain't bout shit. Most Americans should carry a dictionary (I do). Life owes us nothing. Andre 3000 is the best rapper alive. All attention isn't good. Hennessy ain't so bad. Apartments in nice areas mean nothing unless you own them.Dave Chappelle is the funniest man alive. That is all.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just Sayin....

I don't know if anyone else feels this way. I know one perrson does but... here goes nothing....

My friends understand me but they don't GET me. I know this already isn't making sense. I'm slightly addicted to pain. On a sadomasochist level. Before your mind travels to the gutter this particular post is about emotional feelings not sex. I like to live. I like to feel. I'm incredibly sensitive. Every emotion, even the ones that torment me, makes me feel so alive. I love going through the motions. When I'm at my happiest I feel alive. When I'm at my lowest I know I am alive even if I don't want to be. Its so important to me to be able to feel... thats why I constantly go into situations that I know will be hurtful. I know it'll hurt tomorrow but tonight... tonight will be amazing! Tonight all my dreams will come true. Tomorrow I'll be living in hell... And it was all worth it... Just saying

Peer Pressure

My upbringing was unorthodox to say the least. My mother is BiPolar and extremely free -spirited. My father is strict, serious, and very old-fashioned. With that combination of parental units it goes without saying that I have an interesting perspective on morality and what is and is NOT couth. When I left my parents' households, I left with a definite view of what was right and wrong. (I.E. if you get pregnant, you get married. NO EXCUSES! and ladies wear dresses in the house of the Lord. You are a direct representation of your family, etc. <--- lessons my daddy taught me) Since leaving the confines of my family and Macon, GA I do things I know my family would disapprove of, but everyone else does it.... I know that the "everyone is doing it" excuse is not only a very weak argument but it is also the oldest teenage comeback ever recorded. It is quickly debunked with a quip from mom, "Well if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do that too?"  But sitting here at 3:14 AM has me revisiting my parents wisdom. Why am I participating in things I know are NOT right just because the masses are doing it? I know I'm not the only person  guilty of this offense. Its just so hard to say no sometimes. Am I still a victim of peer pressure or am I just doing what I've always wanted to do?

Gold Wrappers Please!!

A friend of mine brought up an interesting theory recently, she said, "A woman that carries condoms is loose. She's too prepared. Let the man be responsible for something." That statement had me scratching my head. I am proud to say there is a 12 pack of beautifully gold wrapped treasures laying somewhere around my house. I can't say where they are exactly because I'm celibate and rather messy but they are here just in case temptation takes over. I personally feel like a woman... no, A PERSON, can never be too prepared. Hell I was always taught plans and preparation are the keys to success. I'm not too comfortable putting my health in anyone else's hands. I am happy with my negative STD scan. We live in a society where casual sex is not only tolerated but it is the norm. None of these women carry condoms? Am I the exception? Is it acceptable for the modern day woman to carry condoms in her purse yet? It is 2010! (happy belated new year lol) and I still hear women call other women whores for carrying condoms! I don't understand that logic. What do you think?

PS... Don't come in my room if you can't fit a Trojan Magnum XL. I'M spoiled ;)