Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just Sayin....

I don't know if anyone else feels this way. I know one perrson does but... here goes nothing....

My friends understand me but they don't GET me. I know this already isn't making sense. I'm slightly addicted to pain. On a sadomasochist level. Before your mind travels to the gutter this particular post is about emotional feelings not sex. I like to live. I like to feel. I'm incredibly sensitive. Every emotion, even the ones that torment me, makes me feel so alive. I love going through the motions. When I'm at my happiest I feel alive. When I'm at my lowest I know I am alive even if I don't want to be. Its so important to me to be able to feel... thats why I constantly go into situations that I know will be hurtful. I know it'll hurt tomorrow but tonight... tonight will be amazing! Tonight all my dreams will come true. Tomorrow I'll be living in hell... And it was all worth it... Just saying