Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Peer Pressure

My upbringing was unorthodox to say the least. My mother is BiPolar and extremely free -spirited. My father is strict, serious, and very old-fashioned. With that combination of parental units it goes without saying that I have an interesting perspective on morality and what is and is NOT couth. When I left my parents' households, I left with a definite view of what was right and wrong. (I.E. if you get pregnant, you get married. NO EXCUSES! and ladies wear dresses in the house of the Lord. You are a direct representation of your family, etc. <--- lessons my daddy taught me) Since leaving the confines of my family and Macon, GA I do things I know my family would disapprove of, but everyone else does it.... I know that the "everyone is doing it" excuse is not only a very weak argument but it is also the oldest teenage comeback ever recorded. It is quickly debunked with a quip from mom, "Well if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do that too?"  But sitting here at 3:14 AM has me revisiting my parents wisdom. Why am I participating in things I know are NOT right just because the masses are doing it? I know I'm not the only person  guilty of this offense. Its just so hard to say no sometimes. Am I still a victim of peer pressure or am I just doing what I've always wanted to do?